Diabetes and Oral Health

Diabetes and Oral Health

Diabetes can impact your oral health in ways we may not have even realised! What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic condition affecting the way the human body converts sugars from food into energy via the hormone insulin. There are several forms of diabetes; however,...
What are Dental Crowns?

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a dental restoration that covers up or caps a tooth. It is cemented into place and cannot be taken out. What are Dental Crowns made of? Dental crowns are made of three types of materials: Porcelain – most like a natural tooth in color Gold...
What is night time teeth grinding?

What is night time teeth grinding?

Night time teeth grinding is a sleep disorder also known as “sleep bruxism” that effects up to 8% of adults. It occurs much more frequently in children, but most will outgrow it by age twelve. Adults who grind their teeth at night may awake with headaches, sore jaw...