Blog Dentist Camberwell
Welcome to our blog by Camberwell dentists, Hartwell Dentistry, where we answer your questions and discuss dental topics ranging from teeth whitening and dental implants to dental sedation and children's dentistryOral Bacteria Test
Did you know that we can now test the bacteria in your mouth? We all have billions of bacteria present in our mouth, some good, some bad. The right balance of bacteria is essential to our overall health and well being. However the bacteria that cause gum infection...
Do you feel drowsy while driving?
Do you feel drowsy while driving? Drowsy while driving, it doesn’t sound too serious but it can be deadly. Driving when drowsy is just as serious as driving under the influence of alcohol. Drivers who are tired and sleepy have delayed reactions and make bad decisions....
Can medication cause dry mouth?
Welcome back! Last week we discussed medication and your oral health. This week you will discover what side effects are caused by specific medications. What medications cause dry mouth? Studies show that there are over 400 different types of medication that can cause...
Can medication affect my oral health?
Here at Hartwell Dentistry, there is a strong focus on how your oral health can affect your overall health and well-being. This week we will discussing how the medication you take for health issues can affect your oral health. Do you take medication? Most people would...
What is a Gum Lift?
Are you self conscious of your smile? Have you noticed that you show a lot of gum when you smile or that some teeth look shorter than their counterpart, that you gum line is uneven? You are probably thinking, “ Well yeah, this sounds like me, but nothing can be done!”...
Why does my child snore?
Does your child snore? Occasional snoring in children is normal; it is not harmful if your child snores from time to time. However, if snoring is persistent, it may be sign that breathing /airway issues are present and possible that sleep apnea exists.Having any of...