Dental Emergency Information

At Hartwell Dentistry, all patients with dental emergencies are seen as promptly as possible.  Accidents do happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth.

Call us on 9889 3245 as soon as you can. Remember, pain is a signal that there is an underlying problem even if the pain subsides.

Here are some of the most common emergency situations and advice that may be helpful.


Use dental floss to ensure there is no debris caught between the teeth. Avoid extreme temperatures and biting in the area when eating or drinking. Ask your pharmacist for pain relief/anti-inflammatory medication (such as paracetamol or ibrufen). Call Hartwell Dentistry so that the underlying problem can be treated.

Broken Tooth or Filling

Gently clean with a soft toothbrush. The tooth may be sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet things. Be careful with what you eat or are chewing on this side. It may also be annoying and sharp to touch with your tongue or cheek, orthodontic wax from a chemist can be used to mould over the tooth until your dental appointment.

Trauma and Sport Injuries

If the tooth is displaced or has been knocked out of the socket you will have to call us as soon as possible. If displaced gently move the tooth back into position. If knocked out, clean the tooth under running water and either place the tooth in milk or wrap in clingwrap and get to Hartwell Dentistry as quickly as possible.

Abscess or Infection

Pain when you bite and chew or throbbing and swelling can be a sign of infection from a tooth or gum that requires immediate treatment. Pain relief and antibiotics can be required, so contact us or see your medical doctor promptly. Often if seen early enough, the infection can be treated successfully and pain relief can be obtained.

Lost Crown or Veneer

If your crown or veneer has come off, put it in a safe place and avoid things that make the tooth hurt. Many times we are able to re-cement the crown without making a new one. Even if you don’t have any symptoms the tooth has lost its support and is vulnerable to further damage, which could result in more complex treatment if not attended to, so call us to help.

Objects or Food Caught Between The Teeth

Try to gently remove the object with dental floss or an interdental brush. Never use a sharp instrument. Use warm salty water to help disinfect the area. Call us to check the area to ensure that the object has been completely removed and will resolve satisfactorily.

Bitten Lip or Tongue

Clean the area with a cloth and apply cold compression to reduce bleeding and swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t stop go to an emergency hospital department without delay. If bleeding does stop keep the area clean with a warm salty water mouthrinse at intervals to aid healing.

Broken Dentures

Teeth can be separated from dentures; also clasps or the plastic base may break. Most of these can be fixed through our laboratory during normal hours within 1 day.

For prompt after hours, weekend and public holiday emergency care, please call Dr Dana Horng on 0410 347 806 for help over the phone.

An emergency dental clinic is available close by in Barkers Rd Kew. Please note that the clinic charges after hour’s fees and should be only used when in severe pain or trauma.

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